May 6, 2009 journal, the stress test for the major banks is due out today of the recession is already declared over same as the decoration of success 7 years ago in our Iraq mission accomplished. All were waiting on is for Been Burnanke to announce that the economy is improving. The magic man stook said it just hours ago and that makes it foolproof for us. The flu pandemic pan academic epidemic has been declared a fraud fixed up to have been impossible to occur naturally, that it would have to have been planted by some/a scientist. just like I figured Now they are presenting three flu shots to soften the public and if they ever force it I will leave this country rather then to risk my life taking dangerous flu shots for the sake of the pharmaceutical industry and their bank accounts. The devastating side effects of all the vaccinations are enormous. Elizabeth Edwards made a profound statement that she did not ask for jewelry or roses from her husband, just his fidelity. She got neither in a sad scenario of a defeated reality. Ron Paul said that now 140 Republican Congressman want to audit the Fed. Heaven help us. What? Audit the Fed? That has not ever been done in the history of the Fed! Federal Reserve answers to nobody but the Federal Reserve or international bankers as you know. Talking about a pongee scheme a million times worse than Burnie Madeoff. The Federal government has never been audited either. Joe the plumber says that the word queer is in the dictionary so it's OK to say it but he has not heard yet of the Matthew Shepherd hate/thought crimes law pending in Congress. 3 flu shots for everybody. may 4,6, apr 27-29-30